Feature Updates =============== Done | Description | Owner =============================================================================== YES | copy/paste/lasso select | Basti YES | Teacher mode | Basti YES | Auto-capitalization of class/method names | Basti YES | Auto-lower case of attrs/opers | Basti YES | Return value depiction of ops | Basti YES | Visibility modifier of attrs/ops | Basti YES | ConnectionInkLabels to annotate Conns | Basti YES | Cardinality (Numbers) on Associations | Basti YES | Collapsable ClassSymbolPanels | Basti YES | Help Menu | Basti YES | Adjust "File" Menu: add "Save", "Save As" | Basti YES | Serialize ink to XML | Basti YES | Temporary File Storing | Basti YES | new Save-Fileformat: object (with ink) | Basti YES | new Save-Fileformat: Screenshot (jpg) | Basti YES | Composition Connector (filled diamond) | Basti NO | Undo/Redo | Basti NO | Automatic Layout Feature | Basti NO | Code Export Feature | Basti n/A | Soft Erase | Rick n/A | Undo/Redo | Rick n/A | "cornered" AbstractConnections | Basti